I know, it sounds like a long time but thats a little more than three months! It will FLY by!
If you haven't gotten with me to get the hotel info, shoot me an email and I will send it to you. You can reserve the room and cancel right up to 72 hours prior to the trip if something comes up :)
So far it is me and my family, The Cake Lady and her family and Snow and her family! And add to that the possibility of Fairy and her son, Snakeman and my brother -- It will be so fun! Don't have plans? Feel like hanging at the beach? COME WITH US! Seriously!
I got an email from The Girl this morning asking about the dates for Beach Trip 2009. Based on the dates that she gave me, we would be scheduling that trip for April 9th through April 12th to accomodate their school schedule. So if you can't come this year, there is always 2009! (*cough* *cough* Lola, Liz! *cough*)
Labels: Beach Trip