Almost every one I have told about this has said that they want to go! Isn't that awesome? So far, there are only a couple of definites and that's cool. I had so much fun in Dallas a few weeks ago that I am excited about my next trip. I spent a few minutes today perusing dudes on yahoo personals that are in New Orleans. Wouldn't that be interesting? To chat with some cutie pie for a few months and then meet him in October? Gets all of the initial awkwardness out of the way... Just something I was bouncing around in my brain :) What do ya'll think about it?
I decided that I do not travel enough! I want to go places and I want to take my girls places. If I made a bunch more money then the girls and I would take big trips. Ireland, Greece, Canada (to see Lola and my sister), Disney World, Hawaii, France, Italy... I could make a deal with my girls that every time they learned a new language we would go to that place :) It would be fun and they would be cultured. In other countries being bilingual and trilingual is totally normal as is traveling to other countries. I have never set foot outside of America and I live a hop, skip, and a jump from Mexico. The furthest away I have been is to Hawaii. Where would ya'll go? Click comment and tell me! Something to fantasize about while you are all at work