My head exploded.
The end.
Ok, not really... but at the time, the whole ordeal looked so cool and so frightening that I forewent it. Instead I opted for my own version of once a month cooking and planned out my own meals... things like chicken nuggets and fish sticks and corn dogs. Why? Because I had little picky children and no energy to fight them on their picky ways.
But my kids are older now.
Well two of them anyway.. and Triniti practically lives on cheese and soy milk so I think we are ready to attempt [duhn duhn duhhhhnnnn] Grown Up Food.
But I've heard that actually preparing these things called "meals" can be time consuming and whenever I start to try it, I end up longing for the days of tater tots and frozen pizza - even though there isn't a bone in my body that really wants frozen pizza.
Except stuffed crust Digorno.
I [heart] stuffed crust Digorno.
So today I was surfin' the web and bothering Google by seeing how many different ways you can search for preplanned menus with shopping lists.
week menu shopping list
meal planning menu
two week menu grocery list
menu planning grocery list two weeks
planning list menu two weeks
It went on longer, but I will spare you. I think Google is going to start billing me. It'll come in my gmail and the subject line will say "redundancy fees".
But somewhere in my random googling, I came across a website. One where you could hear that angelic music in the background. The kind of music that can only occur when there is such precise organization as MONTH LONG MENU PLANNING accompanied by THE ENTIRE SHOPPING LIST NEEDED FOR SAID MENU and STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS for TWO PEOPLE.
Am I still here or have I gone to heaven?
And not just ANY two people but two separate family representatives.
Like, you make enough food for TWO FAMILIES. Together. For a month.
And it gets better.
Excel, that's how.
Oh yes my pretties.
With printable workbooks and auto calculating cells.
I need a paper bag so I don't start hyperventilating.
And the cherry on top of this Organizational Sundae is that they even provide you with printable labels so you can label the food with the date and reheating instructions for when you pop it out of the freezer.
If this site had been invented and run by a man, I would capture him and make him my love slave.
Labels: Being Mommy, cooking, menu planning