Now, I am an actual aunt on several counts, but I have never met my nieces or nephew since they all live in Canada.
Yesterday I went shopping with Fairy and her son and my daughters. When we got to Wal-Mart, Fairy showed me her son's new "hair cut." Seems she had a co-worker give him a "trim" and the end result was... well, look for yourself...
Uh huh. See what I mean? When this wonderful woman
came over to help us, she actually said "what an adorable little girl." I told her that was exactly what the problem was and to please, please, please help me make him a boy again.
He looks about as happy as his mother about it huh?
But, I think he started to like the fact that he could see... and that he actually had ears!
That poor chic. She moved chairs a bunch of times to get out of the picture and I always ended up getting her in the background, lol.
Ok, now for the finale.
Here is my darling Fairy when she sees her son for the first time.
Click on it to make it bigger and fully enjoy the look on her face. She started crying so I put the camera away. But that was it folks, my very first time getting a little boy's hair cut as well as my first honorary Aunt experience. I think he looks awesome... mostly because I can see him for the first time.